Dedicated to enhancing communities by creating opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities through an innovative and person centered approach.

My name is Audrey. My official disability is called Aspergers which is on the autism spectrum. I struggle with sudden changes such as if we are leaving in 10 minutes, I need a 5 minute warning. Thanks to donors like you I like to do many activities FRIENDS has to offer. Independent means being able to cook by myself. I first got involved with FRIENDS 5 years ago. I’m a participant and part of the participant action committee and variety show. I first got involved with FRIENDS from the recommendation of another participants guardian. I first started in the supported employment program and then added Day and Residential programs. Your support allowed me to go to New York City and Dollywood with FRIENDS Social and Travel Program. Supported Employment has helped me by having a job that I look forward to going to on Mondays and Wednesdays. I’m in a host home with the residential program. I live with a provider and her family. FRIENDS has helped me have a safe place to go to. I like FRIENDS because of others like me going there. I’m able to do pretty much anything now because of FRIENDS. Life was boring before FRIENDS. Thanks to you I’ve been able to make friends, I would probably not be in a good place. They support my family and I so that we have a safe place every day.

We serve over 200 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities through our Day, Residential, Supported Employment, and Social & Travel programs.


2022 Budget
90%Program Spend
7%Management Spend
3%Fundraising Spend


Day Program

FRIENDS Day Program is guided by a person-centered philosophy and is designed to promote community inclusion and independence. We believe that when adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities are given the opportunity and support to participate and contribute to the community, all of our lives are enriched.

Since success will look different to each individual we serve, FRIENDS staff takes the time to learn about a person’s needs, interests, and goals. This approach allows our team to provide services that will align with what the person wants for their life.

Residential Program

We believe that every person, regardless of their abilities, has the right to be fully included in their community and to live the life they choose.

FRIENDS Independent Living Services supports individuals in a manner that works best for each person and is appropriate to their lifestyle.

We customize support to meet the person’s needs, preferences and desires.

We believe everyone should have opportunities to learn new skills and develop existing ones

We believe every adult should have choice and control over their own lives.

Supported Employment

​Supported Employment (SE) is an approach to Vocational Rehabilitation that emphasizes helping participants to obtain competitive work in the community and providing the supports necessary to ensure their success in the workplace. The purpose of FRIENDS Supported Employment Services is to help a participant to find a Job that they would enjoy. To ensure that participants are going to be successful in this position, FRIENDS provides support to the individual throughout the entire process, providing support with job development, job searching, the interview process, and on the job training and support.

Social & Travel

Our goal is to offer affordable travel and social opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

We hope to support the creation of social networks through exciting activities, as well as, instill an appreciation for the great outdoors and encourage participants to explore exciting new destinations.

FRIENDS of Broomfield’s Travel Program believes everyone has the right to travel, lead healthy lifestyles, and make memories to last a lifetime!

Volunteering + Events

TOPGOLF Tournament

Each spring FRIENDS holds a fundraiser unlike any other, the FRIENDS TOPGOLF Tournament. Groups of 6 compete in a team tournament in support of our FRIENDS participants.

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Luncheon & Fashion Show

Enjoy a delicious lunch, mimosas, and a presentation. The presentation will feature the women & men of FRIENDS’ programs who will strut their stuff on the runway in a fun fashion show.

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